My Life

My Life
Garrett, Bailey, Bodin, and Randy

Friday, December 18, 2009

My Family

Mostly everyone who knows me knows that I am a mother to four wonderful children. I have adopted 3 from Child Protective Services and have 1 biological child. I have a son Garrett that is 6, twins Bailey and Bodin that are 5, and Randy(Biological) that is 5 also. My journey to parenthood began when I could not conceive on my own with all the fertility treatments available. I had one round of IVF and when that did not work I knew right then and there that I could not go through that again and, I asked God to guide me on this journey. Through that decision I was led to adoption because it was always around me through friends of friends and someone always knew someone. So that is how my journey to parenthood began. My children that I adopted are of mixed races white and black or black and white. Their biological father was black and the biological mother was whit. I can honestly say that I see no color when I look at them they are simply my children, more often than not I get questions all the time as to if they are mixed and sometimes ugly looks from both sides of races. However once they know the story of them being adopted then all of a suddenly I am praised for what I have done. I do not deserve praise I believe that my God deserves praise for giving me the wonderful gift that he did. My life and my families life as been forever changed by these wonderful children and honestly it has changed for the better. I love my adopted children as I love my biological and believe it or not there is no difference I love them all exactly the same. These children are my life. I do worry about when they get older how children and adults will treat them. I dread the day that they are called niggers, or yellow. I know that my first instinct is going to be a mother protecting her children anyway I can, but that will not teach my children humanity just stupidity. There are many people out there that are cruel and see only colors of skin, I want my children to love all even those that are ugly on the inside. I long to teach forgiveness just as God forgives us.

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